American Icon Project
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“We are pioneers and trail blazers, we fight for freedom, we transform our dream into the truth, our struggles will become a nation” This mantra is the opening of America, the Story of us. Over the course of this year we have watched this series in addition to our class work to learn about America. For your final project this year you are to find someone, alive or dead, real or fiction, who exemplifies what it mean to be an American. You will research this person’s life, exploits, & achievements and present your information in two ways. First you will write a bias biography which also shows how they embody an American icon. This paper should be no less than 8 pages as it will chronicle their life, major achievements, and reflect on the main idea of that person as an American icon. This paper will need to be cited in APA format and must include 7 sources. Two of which can not come from the internet. Next, present this project in Power Point format. This power point should include the following


·        no less than 8 slides

·        an intro slide showcasing components to what it means to be American 

·        biographical information about your person

·        no less than 5 pictures 

·        Highlights of achievements

·        Arguments for how your individual meets your definition of an American


You will present these on Tuesday   June 10th ,

It will be worth 80 Points (a rubric will be provided in advance.

*the paper will be due June 2nd & is worth 200 Points.   

Choose your Icon: 

Each person in class must have a separate Icon, so first come first granted . A proposal paper must be written no more than a paragraph telling me who you would like to research, and why they are an american Icon 

Paper Format 

Various Fonts may be used, please No Cursive type fonts & nothing over size 14. 

1.5 Spacing !!!!  

you paper should also include a title, Your name, date and class 

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Griswold High School
Government, American Studies, World Cultures, PE.

Extra credit