This is my seventh year at helix, I first arrived in the winter of 2009 as a long term sub, and taught full
time in the 2009/2010 School year. Currently I teach High School Social Studies and many levels of Physical Education
I am also the High school & Middle school track coach, Middle school boy's basketball coach, and Class advisor to
the Graduating class of 2016.
My Background
- 7th & 8th Grade, Summer School Teacher : C.T.U.I.R.
- Graduate From Carroll College 2008
- B.A. in History and Political Science for Secondary Education
- Instructor Assistant at Wakina Sky Multicultural Institute in Helena MT.
- Carroll College Programming Board President 2006-2007
- Carroll College Student Body Treasurer 2005-2006
- Pendleton High School Graduate
- PHS ASB Vice President 02-03
- Three Year Varsity Letter in Football
- Three Year Varsity Letter in Track
- Scholar Athlete
What a job!
i love the outdoors and traveling. going to the lewis and Clark Caverns
in Montana was one of my many summer adventures
In Class Movies (G-PG)
- Starwars
- The Fantastic Mr. Fox
- Wall-E
- TopGun
- Shrek
Personal Favorites
- Farris Bueller's Day Off
- Idiocracy
- V for Vendetta
- Bubble Boy
- Watchmen
- Lone Ranger and Tonto Fist Fight in Heven
- Tenderbar
- The Prince
- The File
- My Sisters Keeper
Video Games
- Madden
- Borderlands
- Left 4 dead
- Mass Effect
- Crono Trigger
College Classes
- Modern Political Thought
- Justice in a Just Society
- Gender History
- History Research Siminar
- Philosophy 101