Triage Essay: Triage:is the process of determining the priority of patients' treatments based
on the severity of their condition. write a three paragraph essay adreesing the following:
1) What is Traige and how is it used in the medical world
2) could this term be used in your education relating to grades
3) What did you learn from writting the first two paragraphs and how will it affect your high school carrer.
- 20 Points
Go to at the link above and play at least a level 2 game for the geographical region we are currently
studying. when finished print your score and turn in with your name. ( 5 points per game)
Government and American Studies
Political Cartoon: 5 points
Find a Political Cartoon from the news paper or internet, turn in the political cartoon along with a paragraph (atleast 6
sentences) explaining what the cartoon represents and how it relates to something we have studied this quarter
Current Event Article: 10 points.
find a news paper or internet article relating to something we are currently studying or talking about in class. sumerize
that article, and explain how it relates to what we have been discussing. (6-10 sentenses) Be sure to include a copy
of the article.